Customer Testimonials

"great experience telling all my friends great prices and great customer service”

Matt Apelstein, Santee 06-25-2015

"A Real Gem. Great customer service and communication. A pleasure to work with!! Thanks for a super smooth transaction."

Mary Lee, 06-24-2015

"Love my purchase and especially the price!! Got it for a great deal overall. Would highly recommend to anyone!"

Jessica Sipriany, 06-23-2015

"Great price and product with quick and easy delivery!"

Seth Cordon, 06-22-2015

"Vikki helped me with an ordering problem. She was an absolute dream! She is bright, friendly & took the time & effort needed to get results ASAP, called me back as soon as she had an answer. Can't say enough good things about her. I was especially appreciative after spending a frustrating afternoon with customer service trying to get a problem resolved, speaking with people with such thick accents that it was difficult to understand them & they know nothing but what's in their manual. If the problem requires thinking, you're sunk. So my experience with Vikki at Premier was such a welcomed relief.. I'll be shopping there again. Thank you, Vikki!"

Paula, 06-21-2015

"Fast delivery, exactly what I wanted and I am very satisfied will order with them again"

Susan DaSilva, 06-21-2015

“This was the best experience I've ever had buying an appliance. I have recommended Premier to everyone who asks about our gorgeous refrigerator. I will never go anywhere else. Thanks for the exceptional service!!!!"

Donna Ceciliano, 06-18-2015

"The ice maker was exactly what we wanted and it was delivered as promised"

Arlene Blue, 06-15-2015

"Very pleased with the purchase of our washer and dryer. Customer service was excellent!"

Tabitha Magers, 06-15-2015